NYC charter schools are now accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year.

NYC charter schools are now accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year.
Virtual Charter School Fair
- March 6
Attend live virtual tours and meet with local charter school representatives from grades Pre-K through 12. All from the comfort of your home. FREE & Open to all families.

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February is Charter School Open House Month. Visit (virtually and in-person) charter schools in your neighborhood to see what they have to offer your child.
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charter schools in all five boroughs
estimated students enrolled in NYC charter schools

of all NYC public school students attend a charter school
Charter school students are EXCELLING, including English-language Learners and students with disabilities.
NYC charter school students continued the trend of achieving higher proficiency rates than traditional district and state counterparts in the 2024 ELA and math state assessments.
Charter schools serve students with disabilities and offer a wide range of accommodations and supports.
Multilingual Language Learners in charter schools are more likely to attain proficiency in English at a faster rate than their district counterparts.
If the number of applicants to a charter school exceeds the number of available seats, then the school holds a random admissions lottery.